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Star Trek: First Contact In Hindi Free Download > DOWNLOAD

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It is the 24th century and the Borg (cybernetic lifeforms) have spread across the galaxy with one sole purpose: to assimilate and conquer all races. Under the command of their seductive and sadistic queen, the Borg are headed to Earth with a devious plan involving time travel to alter history. After an epic battle against the Borg, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise-E crew follow the Borg sphere back into the 21st century, and must battle the Borg Queen before she assimilates mankind. Meanwhile, Picard and his crew must make sure that Zefram Cochrane makes his famous warp flight, and makes Earth's first contact with an alien species (the Vulcans).
In the 24th century, the crew of the Enterprise-E has been ordered to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone by the Federation to avoid interference with their battle against the insidious Borg. Witnessing the loss of the battle, Captain Jean-Luc Picard ignores orders and takes command of the fleet engaging the Borg. But the Borg plan to travel back into the 21st century through a vortex with the intention to stop Earth's first contact with an alien race (the Vulcans). Following the Borg sphere, Picard and his crew realize that they have taken over the Enterprise in order to carry out their mission. Their only chance to do away with the Borg and their seductive queen is to make sure that Zefram Cochrane makes his famous faster-than-light travel to the stars.
For some odd reason, I liked this movie. Strangely when I first saw it I thought it stunk. But after a second attempt, I actually liked parts of it… most of it actually.<br/><br/>GOOD NEWS: Patrick Stewart does superb acting in this film, much better than that even of Generations. The plot about Zefram Cochrane was a good addition too. Jonathan Frakes also did excellent directing.<br/><br/>BAD NEWS: The Borg. Although they are one of my most favorite villians, they seemed……..weaker in this film. The Federation ships trashed the Borg Cube thanx to Picard and the Cube should&#39;ve been tougher since the Borg &quot;adapt&quot; so much. Also, the subplot with the Borg was too dark for Star Trek.<br/><br/>All in all, a good movie. Although not as good as Insurrection.<br/><br/>And keep in mind to you losers that down Insurrection because of less action, you are wrong. Insurrection was a great movie because of its plot(despite some confusing aspects). The action is not what made Trek popular in the first place!!!!! Star Trek explores the human spirit, the soul. It&#39;s not about gore and action. I wish everybody would understand that…
Star Trek: First Contact, up to that point, was the best Star Trek movie ever. It had everything it needed, the hero (Picard), the villan (the Borg), and plenty of action. It was a classic, one you can easily remember throughout the years. As someone that has followed Star Trek, especially The Next Generation all of my life from early childhood, this movie allowed me to see a side of the characters that I&#39;ve never seen before, put in a situation that they have never been in before. I love Picard&#39;s personal conflict in this movie with the Borg because of his past and how he wants revenge on them. I like how more of how Data with his emmotion chip was shown. It is the first time really that they&#39;ve shown Data in an emmotional situation, being captured and seduced by the Borg queen. Plus, you get to see more of the history of the Star Trek universe, with Zefram Cochrane, who you&#39;ve only heard about briefly in Star Trek episodes. And, finally, my favorite scene in First Contact is near the end where Picard and Lily are alone in the conference room where Lily is trying to convince Picard to activate the self destruct to destroy the Enterprise and the Borg. Overall, this is a great movie that I believe the most people, Trek fans or not, will enjoy.
The action is carefully calculated to captivate a wide audience while allowing hard-core trekkies to savor nuances of plot and personality.
After the Borg attack Earth in the 24th century, the Enterprise-E follows them back to the 21st century in order to stop them from altering Earth&#39;s history specifically, preventing Zefram Cochrane from making his famous first attempt traveling at warp speed (faster-than-light), which resulted with the Earth&#39;s first contact with alien life. While Riker, Troi, and Geordi are on Earth ensuring that Cochrane makes his flight, the rest of the Enterprise crew is faced with protecting the ship from a Borg invasion and installment of a Borg Queen (<a href="/name/nm0000481/">Alice Krige</a>). All of the Enterprise-D crew is back: Captain Jean-Luc Picard (<a href="/name/nm0001772/">Patrick Stewart</a>), Commander Will Ryker (<a href="/name/nm0000408/">Jonathan Frakes</a>), Lieutenant Commander Data (<a href="/name/nm0000653/">Brent Spiner</a>), Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge (<a href="/name/nm0000996/">LeVar Burton</a>), Lieutenant Commander Worf (<a href="/name/nm0000373/">Michael Dorn</a>), Dr Beverly Crusher (<a href="/name/nm0000533/">Gates McFadden</a>), counselor Deanna Troi (<a href="/name/nm0000642/">Marina Sirtis</a>), and <a href="/name/nm0000854/">Majel Barrett</a> as the voice of the Enterprise computer. In addition, it features the character Zefram Cochrane (<a href="/name/nm0000342/">James Cromwell</a>), who was introduced in the Star Trek original series episode <a href="/title/tt0708436/">&quot;Metamorphosis&quot;</a> (1967). The Holographic Doctor (<a href="/name/nm0000585/">Robert Picardo</a>) from <a href="/title/tt0112178/">Star Trek: Voyager (1995)</a> also makes a short cameo appearance. It takes place in the year 2373 A.D., six years after Picard was captured and assimilated into the Borg and given the name Locutus in TV series episode <a href="/title/tt0708786/">&quot;The Best of Both Worlds: Part 2&quot;</a> (1990). It is one of the things that Captain Picard could only know due to having been assimilated by the Borg. He shared the Borg&#39;s thoughts so that they learned all his knowledge about Starfleet and Earth&#39;s defenses. However, during his assimilation, he also learned a lot of information about the Borg and their ships. He was never supposed to be freed from the Borg Collective and able to use this information against them. It justifies his remark that &quot;no one knows the Borg as I do&quot;. Obviously, these experiences have taught him that there is a hidden vulnerability on the Borg cube, although the Borg have disguised it or made it seem non-vital. Given the fact that this area is located on the outside suggests that it is something connected to the cube&#39;s weapons or shields system; vital areas would ideally be built in a ship&#39;s interior for better protection, but weapons and shields are located at a ship&#39;s surface by necessity. It could also be a weak power node, something that can be easily overloaded, causing an energy cascade fatal to the ship. Since they were to avoid contact with 21st century Earth until they could be rescued by Starfleet, they were sent to Gravett Island, a fictional island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. When the Phoenix has left Earth&#39;s gravity, Ryker and Geordi engage the warp drive while Cochrane sits back to enjoy the ride. Meanwhile on the Enterprise, the Borg Queen orders Data to destroy the Phoenix. Data fires off three torpedoes but, at the last minute they miss the Phoenix. The Queen realizes that Data has betrayed her just as Data breaks a coolant tank, releasing corrosive vapours into the atmosphere. Picard grabs a hose and attempts to crawl above the vapours, but the Borg Queen grabs onto his leg. Data grabs her leg and pulls her back down. The vapour has the effect of eating away the biological components of the Borg, leaving them non-functional. It also eats away the skin grafts that the Queen had given Data as a &quot;gift&quot;. In a voice-over, Picard begins to describe how the Phoenix was eventually spotted by the alien vessel. Their ship lands on Earth and opens to reveal three Vulcans. &quot;Live long and prosper&quot;, they say in greeting; to which Cochrane replies, &quot;thanks&quot;. While the Vulcans are welcomed by Cochrane, Picard says goodbye to Lily (<a href="/name/nm0005569/">Alfre Woodard</a>). Then he, Ryker, Troi, Crusher, and Geordi beam up to the Enterprise. Picard orders the recreation of the vortex that plunged them into the past, and the Enterprise disappears from view. In the final scene, Cochrane and the Vulcans are enjoying drinks together in his makeshift tavern. Yes, a novelization of the movie by American science fiction writer J.M. Dillard (pen name for Jeanne Kalogridis), was released in 1996. So far, there are 13. Star Trek: First Contact was preceded by <a href="/title/tt0079945/">Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)</a> (1979), <a href="/title/tt0084726/">Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)</a> (1982), <a href="/title/tt0088170/">Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)</a> (1984), <a href="/title/tt0092007/">Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)</a> (1986), <a href="/title/tt0098382/">Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)</a> (1989), and <a href="/title/tt0102975/">Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)</a> (1991), all of which feature the Enterprise captained by James T Kirk (<a href="/name/nm0000638/">William Shatner</a>). In <a href="/title/tt0111280/">Star Trek: Generations (1994)</a> (1994), the crew of the Enterprise captained by Jean-Luc Picard was introduced. Star Trek: First Contact was followed by <a href="/title/tt0120844/">Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)</a> (1998) and <a href="/title/tt0253754/">Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)</a> (2002). <a href="/title/tt0796366/">Star Trek (2009)</a> (2009), <a href="/title/tt1408101/">Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)</a> (2013) and <a href="/title/tt2660888/">Star Trek: Beyond (2016)</a> (2016) harken to an alternate reality in which Kirk was just beginning his career with Starfleet Academy. No. The Queen should be seen as the manifestation or personification of the Borg collective mind, not the &quot;brain&quot; which normally houses the entire collective and commands all drones. The Queen is a female drone that can be used when the Borg feel interaction with other species needs to be through a more personal approach, such as the temptation of Data and Picard. The writers have admitted that the Queen was a plot device for this purpose, as a disembodied voice alone would not have been very persuasive. If the Queen in First Contact was indeed the controller of all Borg, that would mean that the Borg in the 24th century would immediately be without a consciousness as soon as the Queen travels back in time and doesn&#39;t return. However, this doesn&#39;t happen, as the crew of the Voyager also has several run-ins with the Borg and the Queen, and the Queen can be resurrected each time. It is interesting to note that when the Queen is destroyed in the plasma, the other Borg drones immediately malfunction and power down, suggesting she had taken total control over those drones when they were separated from the rest of the Collective. However, in the <a href="/title/tt0244365/">Enterprise (2001)</a> episode <a href="/title/tt0572230/">&quot;Regeneration&quot;</a>, which takes place a century after First Contact with the Vulcans, a few Borg drones are recovered from wreckage of the Borg Sphere that ended up on the North Pole. After thawing out, they quickly regenerate and form their own mini-Collective, seemingly without ill effects from the Queen&#39;s destruction 100 years earlier. In the Voyager episode <a href="/title/tt0708872/">&quot;Dark Frontier&quot;</a>, in order to escape, Captain Janeway destroys a Borg power node, which (temporarily) disables the Queen&#39;s command interface and thereby her control over the Collective; however, this does not stop the Borg from laying in a pursuit moments later. These examples all illustrate that the Queen is an important, but by no means essential part of the Borg Collective. Some writers of non-canon Star Trek novels have even suggested the Queen is a separate program within the hive mind and can be implemented as the need for a single-acting drone arises or even as a signal booster to connect Borg that are spread out over many light years. In the episode <a href="/title/tt0708732/">&quot;I Borg&quot;</a>, the Enterprise crew found a single Borg drone that was severed from the Borg Collective. They named him &quot;Hugh&quot; and taught him the value of individuality. Hugh was eventually returned to the Collective by the Borg, but his ideas of individuality spread throughout his ship and caused a lot of Borg drones to reject their collective mind and revert to their original individuality. This group is subsequently encountered in <a href="/title/tt0708701/">&quot;Descent: Part 2&quot;</a> (1993), raising the question as to why not all Borg have been &quot;freed&quot; this way by the time Star Trek: First Contact takes place, since all Borg are connected by a subspace network. The reason may be a combination of factors. For one, it is known that that the Borg&#39;s collective consciousness will reject anything that would threaten their hive mind, as was demonstrated in Voyager episode <a href="/title/tt0709003/">&quot;Unimatrix Zero: Part 1&quot;</a> (2000). Also, the idea of shared consciousness is particularly deeply rooted in the Collective and fiercely defended by older drones, especially when separated from the Collective (such as Seven of Nine displayed in Voyager episode <a href="/title/tt0708974/">&quot;Survival Instinct&quot;</a> and in her later life). And even after successful separation, some freed individuals still long to a form of collective mind (Voyager episode <a href="/title/tt0709005/">&quot;Unity&quot;</a>). Consequently, Hugh may have introduced his radical idea of individuality into the entire Collective, but it can be expected that many drones, and therefore the hive mind, would largely resist this idea. They would even take measures to eliminate this dangerous thought from their consciousness and destroy drones that have embraced the idea and continue to spread it. Therefore, it is more plausible that Hugh had to introduce the idea subtly, perhaps one drone at a time, to see if the idea would stick and, at the same time, remain undetected. Of course, the rest of the Borg would inevitably find out at one point that drones were breaking off from the Collective and would take measures against it, which explains why the Borg Collective is still largely intact.
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